A self-managing project is a web page or website which can be modified through a control panel (CMS)

We develop each section of the website individually, so that the designated administrator is able to access the modules quickly and easily.

It is important to mention that a website with these characteristics is developed with two different views, the “public” which is what the user will observe; and the “private” view which is the one visible when entering with a user and password provided. In a website control panel different actions and improvement can be performed, for example:

  • Files updating
  • Add products and their features
  • Price changing
  • Modification of multimedia elements
  • Manage the "Publications" section: Tips, News, events, Etc.
  • Add and delete users
  • Add or delete content in the sections
  • General adjustment of the website

When do I need a self-managing website?

If your website requires regular updating in certain sections, it would be practical and beneficial to consider a self-managing site, because you won’t have to depend on a provider of the service to keep your site going.

Yeel Soluciones Digitales works to provide you maximum autonomy in your website, in an intuitive and quick way.